Damn! Athletic bodys are always nice to see! Look at Alina Kabaeva nude and sexy photos and imagine her hot in your bed. View Alina Kabaeva’s scantily clad and provocative images from appearances, concerts, and magazine shoots. Alina Maratovna Kabaeva (Russian: Алинa Маратовна Кабаева, born May 12, 1983) is a retired individual rhythmic gymnast, model, film star, and politician. She is also a Russian Honored Master of Sports. With two Olympic medals, 14 medals from the World Championships, and 25 medals from the European Championships, Kabaeva is one of rhythmic gymnastics’ most decorated athletes. Kabaeva served as a United Russia Party State Duma deputy from 2007 to 2014. Kabaeva took over as the National Media Group’s board of directors’ chair in September 2014. She is referred to as Vladimir Putin’s potential girlfriend.