Guys, check out Melissa Keller nude and sexy bikini photo and screenshot collection. She is really hot and natural babe. Take a look at her sultry, see-through modeling photographs and screenshots from “Impact Point,” which include a few nude/hot moments. Melissa Keller is an American model and actress who was born on August 4, 1978 in Long Lake, Minnesota. She started modeling when she was 15 years old. She was the subject of Joanne Gair’s body painting work in addition to collaborating with photographers on her Sports Illustrated pictures. Previously, Sports Illustrated and Nissan offered a sweepstakes in which fans could enter for a chance to see Keller at a sporting event. Keller also starred in George Michael’s “Outside” music video. On September 12, 2009, she featured as a guest chef on Paula Deen’s “Paula’s Best Dishes” episode titled “Farmer’s Market.”