Nina Eichinger Sexy Photos Collection

The collection of many Nina Eichinger sexy photos is here folks! Take a look at Nina Eichinger’s sultry red carpet and studio photographs, which show off her sultry thighs and legs.

Nina Eichinger is a German TV presenter and actress who was born on September 16, 1981. Bernd Eichinger, a film producer and director, gave her birth in Munich. She worked as an MTV VJ and served on the jury for seasons 6 and 7 of “Deutschland sucht den Superstar.” She did, however, miss the season 7 finale after being stranded in Los Angeles due to airline restrictions imposed by Eyjafjallajökull’s 2010 eruptions. She has also appeared in films such as “The Three Musketeers,” “The Baader Meinhof Complex,” and others.