Watching porn with your sexual partner

When you are involved with a sexual partner, the topic of porn is going to come up. A lot of men watch it, and so do women, even though they are less likely to admit it. Yet, when the time comes for some mutual excitement between sexual partner, the idea of watching porn together could be broached. This could be a way to increase the excitement that you both feel and explore new facets of your sexuality. Here is what you need to know! Also, couples seeking females is a common porn story.

The first thing that you have to do if you want to watch porn with your significant other is to bring up the topic. They’ll never know that you want to take part in this activity unless you ask, after all. So, you have to wait for the right moment to bring it up and talk about it. Some people mention it ahead of time, but if your partner is not feeling particularly amorous at the moment, it might be a failed attempt. The best time to offer to watch some porn together is when you’re engaged in foreplay. If you are already involved in sex, it is too late to bring in the visual aids. So, when you and your partner are in the mood, you can mention that it might be more exciting for you to have something playing in the background while you’re fooling around. We’re going to pause here for a moment for some important considerations.

Find what you like

Before you even talk about introducing porn into your bedroom, you will need to have some idea about the kind of porn that you enjoy watching. Of course, by the time that you have reached adulthood, the chances are good that you know what kind of action you prefer. Some guys like to watch two women, and other guys are into different kink play. The bottom line is that you have to consider the impact that revealing the kind of porn you enjoy to your partner will have on your relationship. So, when the moment is right, and you want to talk to your partner about watching porn together, your best bet is to start with something that is a little “vanilla” compared to anything that is too explicit. That does not mean you should be afraid of telling your partner what you like, but not everyone is ready to watch something that they’ve never considered doing.

Consider your partner’s preferences

While we’re on the topic of learning and revealing preferences, you must take into account your partner’s preferences for porn, too. As we’ve said, depending on your partner, you might have to coax them a little to reveal whether or not they are people that watch porn or whether they have a preference for the kind of sex they watch. The best thing you can do is create a supportive environment where they are not afraid of your response when they reveal their porn preferences. As time goes on, you could curate some porn for your less-experienced partner.

That will help you show them new things that are tangential to their own interests and could result in better outcomes and more frequent entertainment for you and your partner.

Excitement and orgasm will be many times brighter

Now, we are back to the point where we left off. You and your partner are going to watch porn while you’re having a little bit of fun in the bedroom. During foreplay, it’s a good time to hit play on the video. You and your partner can get some touching and feeling happening while you watch the action unfold on the TV. You might even have the opportunity to start acting out what you are witnessing on the screen, and that can be a lot of fun!

Remember that porn is often maligned in polite society even though it is a multi-billion dollar industry. People think of it as naughty, and that feeling that you and your partner are doing something “dirty” will amp up the excitement a great deal. You’ll find that when the time comes, both of you will be a lot more receptive to pleasure. This is important for women who cannot frequently explore their sexuality through porn or watch the kind that they enjoy. As they watch the screen and have their partner engage in foreplay with them, they often find that the experience is overwhelming. In many cases, women who are watching porn with their partners can have stronger orgasms because of the hot porn combined with sexual activity occurring in their bed. Watching the right kind of porn that is interesting for both you and your partner can lead to amazing outcomes in the bedroom, providing everyone with a chance to have strong responses to the material!

Watching porn with your partner can completely open the floodgates of sexual pleasure for both of you. The ability to watch people engage in sexual activities in a way that turns you on while you’re in the arms of a lover is an experience that most people never forget. That being said, all that is for naught if you don’t have someone to have some fun with. There, you can meet plenty of people that are interested in having a good time, including those that will put some porn on the TV for background noise.